JavaScript typeof null
JavaScript can be so cruel.
typeof null === 'object'; // This stands since the beginning of JavaScriptThis is planned on being fixed in the next version of ECMAScript (which will be available via an opt-in). It will result in typeof null === 'null'.
Note: it's been rejected
Heuristics Saving You
Funny spoof song about the use of heuristic functions in A* search by Michael Littman
Sorting Algorithm Demonstration
Sorting algorithm visualization: Insertion, Selection, Bubble, Shell, Merge, Heap, Quick, Quick3.
Path Finding Algorithm Visualization
Very cool JavaScript based, interactive visual demonstration of path finding algorithms: A*, Breadth-First-Search, Best-First-Search, Dijkstra, and Jump Point Search.

Bill Gates and Marc Andreessen in Heaven
Bill Gates and Marc Andreessen die and go to heaven. God meets them and announces that they will get stabbed with a needle for each major bug in their browser software.
First it's Marc's Turn: "In Navigator 1.0 there was a big security hole" DOUCHE! "In Navigator 1.1 you couldn't empty the cache" DOUCHE! Marc rubs his butt and looks around: "Where did Bill go?" God says in reply: "He's just being clamped into the sewing machine..."